What is Drop-in Gaming?

Drop-In Gaming is the revolutionary platform that brings gamers of all ability and skill levels together, where all gamers have a chance to win large cash prizes through bracket play, matches, and tournaments!  We offer free tournaments to get started but allow everyone a chance to enter to compete for big cash payouts and a chance to play in the Mega Tournaments, for large payouts.


Due to current state and province laws and restrictions, currently players who reside in Arkansas, Delaware, Louisiana, South Dakota, Tennessee, Quebec are not eligible to receive and/or claim any cash prizes from Drop-in Gaming. These laws are constantly changing, and we must make sure that we are compliant with local laws.  As laws change; we will update our areas of coverage.

Additional currently NA, EU, and Australia regions are open to register. User can reach out to support@dropingaming.com to see if their region is open to register.

Users are also not allowed to register or login while being on a VPN to bypass state compliance.   If you are blocked and not located in a restricted or unsupported region, please reach out to support@dropingaming.com  or (1-866-DROPIN-4/1-866-376-4674)and we will help resolve the issue.

Additionally, users are only allowed one account. Drop-in gaming performs weekly audits and if it is discovered the duplicate accounts will be deactivated.

Cheating or Committing Fraud

We take safe and security serious on our site. Any actions performed by user to be deemed cheating or fraud could result in a permanent ban.

Any cheating performed by a user on any of our sites will result in a 30-day suspension, and their score will be DQ and set to 0. If the same user continues to cheat after the 30-day suspension it will result in a permanent ban.

If any user attempts to register for the site using a VPN from a region that is not currently supported, it will result in a permanent ban.

If any user is discovered to use a fraudulent credit card or PayPal email, it will result in a permanent ban and their information could be shared with the local authorities.

Account Details

How do I join Drop-in Gaming so I can start Playing?

When you go to Dropingaming.com, Dropingaming.gg, Dropingaming.pro, and in the top of the page there is a “join” area and you just click that. Enter your information; validate your email address and you are ready to start playing.  In your account profile you will want to enter all gamertags for your gaming accounts so that the person you are playing can invite you to the correct matches.

For dropingaming.com you can deposit funds to play in buy-in competitions. For dropingaming.gg you can buy coins or subscriptions to play and win prizes. For dropingaming.pro, you only need to register to play in the free competitions.

How do I make a deposit?

You have a couple areas that you can get into the deposit area.

  1. At the bottom of any page theirs is a “+” and “-“button if you click the “+” button it will take you to the deposit page.
  2. In your account profile page, you can see the same “+” button in the upper right part of your profile.
  3. Once on the deposit page your information should be prepopulated from when you created your account, so you will just need to either enter your debit/credit card information along with the amount you would like to deposit and agree to the terms or select PayPal and go through that process.

Future release will be bitcoin option.

How do I make a withdrawal?

You have a couple areas that you can get into the withdrawal area.

  1. At the bottom of any page theirs is a “+” and “-“button if you click the “-” button it will take you to the withdrawal page.
  2. In your account profile page, you can see the same “-” button in the upper right part of your profile.
  3. Once on the withdrawal page, enter your name, billing address, and choose either a PayPal or Check withdrawal. PayPal withdrawals require your PayPal email address.

Future release will be bitcoin option.

How do I change account and gamer profile information?

  • The account tab you can update the following:
    • Personal Information
    • Billing Address
    • Shipping Address
    • Password
    • Gamertags
    • Streaming


How do I play a match?

There may be modifications of the model based on the game:

  1. Join a match or create a match
  2. Check and confirm the match rules and settings
  3. Accept conditions and enter match
  4. Invite an opponent or wait for someone to join
  5. Add your opponent as a friend on Xbox Live, PSN, or PC using their Gamertag or Username
  6. When sending an opponent, a challenge request, you will receive an email notification once the challenge is accepted
  7. When joining an existing match from the match list you will receive an email notification with your competitors gamertag
  8. Load up the game the match is being played in and enter lobby
  9. Send a game invite to your opponent
  10. Start the match
  11. Complete the match using posted rules
  12. Enter scores in the Score Box
  13. Once match is completed Choose either Y/N if you agree with the results.
  14. If both players choose Y, then the match is completed, and the winner is paid out.
  15. If one of the players chooses N, then the dispute window popups.

How do I dispute a match?

When a player chooses N, the dispute window popups. The user enters the score, winner, reason, image proof, and any comments. This information is reviewed by Drop-in gaming admins. Once the review process is done, the match will be finalized, and a winner will be notified.

How do I challenge someone for a match?

When you click on the matches tab it will pull up a list of all available matches.  You can enter any of the matches and can sort by price, game, or mode. 

What if I cannot find a match I like or want to challenge someone directly?

You can create your own match by clicking on the create match button and select the game, type of match and buy-in amount.  Once match is created you can invite the player you would like to challenge by entering their gamer tag for the game being played.

We suggest you enter the match in the public chat and discord to get players.

How do I know who my opponents are in the Match?

The team roster in the match will show you who your opponent is.

How do I invite someone to a match once I create it?

When you make the match, click invite on your team or the other team. It also says “start typing any gamer tag” to invite the other player.  


How will I know what are the upcoming tournaments?

Click tournaments in the header. You will see All Tournaments, Free, Special, or Partnerships.

How can I participate in a tournament?

On the tournaments tab there is a list of available upcoming tournaments. You can select from available tournaments.

Some tournaments are specific to specific players, these will require a password. Feel free to reach out to us for any questions concerning these tournaments.

I’ve registered for a tournament, what’s next?

Now you must wait for the tournament to start at the indicated time. You will have until the tournament start time to withdrawal; if you do not withdrawal from the tournament in this time frame, you will lose your buy-in and any fees associated with the tournament.

We suggest to withdrawal at least 2-3 minutes before it starts do to processing start of the site.

How do I upload scores?

Once a tournament begins and score box and location to upload images will appear. This page only is available during the tournament. We recommend players upload their scores with at least 2-3 minutes before the end of the tournament. Our site can handle multiple images, so feel free to upload early.

Specific Game Rules for tournaments

Read the rules because each game has different requirements for scores and images. As an example Warzone 2 requires a clan tag we supply 5 minutes before the tournament begins. Fortnite requires replay images and a public tracker.

Additionally, players cannot play with duos/trios/squads in solo tournaments.

Issues with reporting scores and images

If for any reason you have issues with uploading scores and images, contact support at support@dropingaming.com and supply your score and image. This must be done within the tournament time frame. If we receive any scores and image after the tournament ends, your score will not be counted. You can reach out via the public chat, discord, or support@dropingaming.com. But we prefer support@dropingaming.com.


Under tournaments in the header, brackets are an option for people to play.  You can navigate in the menu of Bracket details” to sub menu “groups” and/or “playoffs”. Here you can see the groups and/or the brackets of the playoffs/Where you stand in the bracket play.

How to Add Players to a team

As the same for matches and tournaments, the manager in the roster page can invite players from the site, or outside the site. Managers can pay for players.

Manager in the roster page enters the gamertag for the teammate. The teammate will appear in the invite box, highlight, and click invite. A notification is sent to the other teammate. Once the teammate accepts the invite, the player will appear in GREEN. Any players in YELLOW means they have not accepted the invite, and the manager should contact the player.

How to accept team invites

To join a team, you must receive a team invite. When you receive an invite, navigate to your team invites page. From there you can accept or deny any team invites.

Single Elimination vs Double Elimination

In single elimination once you lose, you are out of the competition. In double elimination you will be sent to the loser bracket. Once you lose in the loser bracket you are out of the competition.

Winner bracket is best of 3 and loser bracket is best of 1. Some brackets may have best of 5 or 7, depending on the competition.

Bracket Play

Like matches, teams enter scores, and either choose Y/N. If both teams choose Y, the team is advanced to the next round. If one of the team chooses N, then the dispute process begins. Once the Drop-in gaming admins determine the winner, the winning team is advanced to next round.

Match, brackets, tournament, fees


Matches are events where it matches a team to play head to head whether it be 1v1, 2v2, etc…, not considered in bracket play or tournaments.  The Entry fee these events is currently 10% on top of the buy-in cost so if the match has a $10.00 buy-in the Entry fee will be $1.00 or 10% of the buy-in.


Tournaments are events that have a structure usually resulting in 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place and most eliminations. For these events there is no entry fee but up to 30% is held back from the total prize pool. * The prize pool will vary depending on the number of teams that join. Depending on the number of teams that join the teams beyond 3rd place may win cash prizes.

Example –

$5.00 buy-in, SOLO

100 Teams

Buy-in prize pool is $500 – 30%

1st place $122.50

2nd place $66.50

3rd place $45.50


Bracket play are structured events that have usually result in 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place.  In some bracket’s places can be paid up to 16 spots.  For these events there is no entry fee but currently 30% is held back from the total prize pool. The total prize pool will be adjusted based on total amount of teams entered. 

Example –

$5.00 buy-in, 5v5

20 Teams

Buy-in prize pool is $500 – 30%

1st place $122.50

2nd place $66.50

3rd place $45.50

Game Play

How do I know the rules for each Game?

Rules will be on the screen before game starts and you have an accept them before you play.

Additional Rules is a dropdown in the detailed page of the tournament, match, and bracket.

Make sure to read the rules, because some games are best game, best 2 games, solos/duos/squads, 1 hour, and 2 hours.

Fortnite (Example)

You have 1 hour to play and submit your best single game under the tournament you registered for on the Drop-In Gaming website. Example: Tournament begins at 1:00pm you have until 2:00pm to play your games, submit your scores with photo/video evidence. Failure to submit your scores and upload proof (pictures/video) will result in a 0 for your team.

Format: 1 hour kill race, you will be joining a battle royale game in the mode you registered for such as “solo” (non-ranked) and playing for most kills and placement points.

Scoring: 1 point per kill.

5 points for a win. 4 points for 2nd, 3 points for 3rd, 2 points for 4th and 1 point for 5th place.

The team is responsible for submitting scores under the tournament you’re registered for on our site. You must have replays turned on in Fortnite. Screenshots must come from the replays section on the career tab in the main lobby. Being unable to submit screenshots due to a full replay library or corrupt files are at the discretion of the competitors. Other forms of score submissions will not be accepted. We recommend clearing out your replay library prior to the start of the tournament.

What happens if my opponent or I get disconnected during an online match?

You are responsible for your connectivity and if you have some reason that you may lose it due to outages, weather, low bandwidth etc… you should not join the match.  In a circumstance where it is out of your control and you do lose connection, we recommend that they communicate with their opponent to figure out a way to finish the match but is not required to be accepted.  At Drop-in Gaming we hope all gamers try to play as fair as possible and think about if the situation was reversed. — i.e. if the disconnection happened at half-time, the match should be completed after one half of the new game.


Specific game titles allow cross-platform play. PC players may participate in cross-console challenge matches by selecting “PC-Players: Allowed” when posting for a challenge match.

No Shows

The no show period for live support matches starts 15 minutes after the match start time. After 15 minutes, contact support at support@dropingaming.com

For ticket matches, if you’re opponent has not shown up or is not appearing, please record their absence (with timestamps) starting five minutes after your reported start time through ten minutes after your reported start time.

For example, if your match was reported to start at 10pm, you would record from 10:05 – 10:10

If your opponent is not adding, joining, inviting, or starting, they can be considered a No Show.

Refunds and Payments

All matches, tournaments, and brackets vary between paid entry, free entry, utilizing qualifier tickets and sponsored. You can leave a tournament any time before it begins, and your money will be refunded instantly (if it is a paid entry.)

Once the match/tournament/brackets start, you will not be eligible for a refund.